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About The Team

Message From Karma:

A few months ago (as of 5/16/2016), a good friend of all of ours named MayT3 decided she was going to quit PSO. She was the Master of Aensland, and so she had to pick a new Master to keep things in order. She had a few good choices in my opinion, but I suppose I got lucky when she picked me. After she left, many of the team members that I enjoyed playing with decided to change teams, or follow May in quitting the game. I'm doing my best to keep the team active, and I will continue to do so until I'm happy with how it is. I've recruited a few great members recently, and I'll be looking for more in the future. If you're interested in joining, you can find me in game most days, or look for a Leader on the team. Alternatively, you can PM me on forums @KarmaTheFoney

Thanks for reading!

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